Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I am proposing getting school credit towards my major (Therapeutic Recreation) for my work I will be doing in Ghana this summer. I have talked with the Kennedy Center to receive the forms for an "Individual Experience" to set up my registration with them. I am requesting permission from the Marriott School of Management to get credit.

This summer will be my fourth time working in Africa and will add to my experience, I have had, using recreational therapy to benefit others. This year I will be doing similar activities to what I have done in the past. Over a span of six months I have lived in various countries working with non-profits companies and educating people on many different subjects. I started a campaign called "I'm Proud to be a Girl" with a mission to inspire and teach young women about their personal value, women's health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and the importance of education through school. My recreational therapy experience has come into action as: I allow time for individual counseling for the girls after the assembly, play games together (as a group) to build friendships, and during my lessons we always discuss talents and productive (positive) activities that the girls are doing (and can do) in their spare time- to further develop themselves into stronger young women.
This year, in Ghana, I will be assigned to be a full time teacher in a rural school (through "International Volunteer HQ"), help out at a orphanage for children with disabilities and also work in other orphanages.  As I teach, I plan on having my "Proud to be a Girl" assembly and will also have the freedom to plan and implement after school recreational activities for the students. I will be in Ghana for a little over a moth and will use my time to implement activities to help build the students self-esteem and build valuable relationships. I will process the activities to make them more therapeutic and try to be a good consoler to the children when they ask for advice.
I have met with Shalece Kehl and she is excited about my proposal. I hope my request is granted- as I would love to receive credit towards my major for the revenant work I will be doing in Africa, again, this summer. Thank you for considering my request.

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